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Thanks to the rapid development of the semiconductor industry in recent years, CorePac Technology has developed rapidly in the past two years. At this moment, we urgently need you to join CorePac Technology with sufficient innovative spirit and strong desire to explore, to work side by side with us in various positions, to develop the most competitive products for the company, to make the SAMWIN brand spread in every corner of the world, to promote the “core” world with the industry experts and elites, to contribute to the development of the industry! The “core” world, for the development of the industry to dedicate their own efforts! The following positions require a bachelor's degree or above, technical research and development positions require power electronics, microelectronics-related majors; master's degree, PhD stage research for microelectronics, semiconductor devices related fields.

NumberRecruitment positionsNumber of peopleWorkplaceAs of date
XPHR-207Modular Power Products Sales Engineer5Xian(New Power)
XPHR-206R&D Engineer5XianLong Time
XPHR-205Sales Engineer5XianLong Time
XPHR-204System Application Engineer/Laborator5XianLong Time
XPHR-203FA Failure Analysis Engineer/Laborator5XianLong Time
XPHR-202Reliability Test Engineer / Lab Technician5XianLong Time
XPHR-201Device Test Engineer/Laborator5XianLong Time
XNHR-005Software R&D Engineer5Xian(New Power)Long Time
XNHR-004Hardware R&D Engineer5Xian(New Power)Long Time
XNHR-003Software Engineer5Xian(New Power)Long Time
XNHR-002Hardware Engineer5Xian(New Power)Long Time
XNHR-001Test Engineer5Xian(New Power)Long Time
XPHR-906Risk Control Specialist2ShenzhenJune
XPHR-903Korean Business Specialist3XianLong Time
XPHR-902Japanese Business Assistant1XianLong Time

• Resume delivery:

• Inquiry hotline: +86-029-88251977

• Official website address:

• Company address: E101, Huanpu Technology Industrial Park, Tiangu 8th Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an

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Contact Us
Address: E, GLP I-Park, No.8 Tiangu Road, Hi-tech Zone, Xi'an, Shanxi, China
E, GLP I-Park, No.8 Tiangu Road, Hi-tech Zone, Xi'an, Shanxi, China